Dear customer!
Our measurements are done with the use of OMH (National Metrological Office) authenticated instruments. We strive to measure and record the most components possible, and we our calibrations are only done by qualified professionals, engineers.
Our measurements are not laboratory precise, but they are trustworthy enough for the given circumstances. You can follow the change of the change of the measured results with us.
Gas saving:
Our carbohydrate treatment devices across the country:
Measurement of the gas saving happened in the presence of energetics professionals, with OMH certified tools, and with a certified protocol. The majority of measurements were recorded on video.
- APV RT Budapest (Fég Westal)
- G4S Budapest (Fég Westal)
- Zalaegerszeg Mindszenti JózsefElementary School (Fég Westal)
- Pécs City Library (Fég Westal)
- Gyömrő Harmónia Retirement Home(Fég westal) Domaszék ÁMK (TÜKI gázégő)
- Sülysáp Tápiócsír Fowl Process Plant (ABG)
- Bonyhád brick factory
- MOL Öttömös (Viessmann gas boiler)
- MOL Kardoskút (Viessmann gas boiler)
- MOL facility control (Fég therm)
Water treatment:
With any question you can reach us at our customer service at any time (+36-70-3179323)
- Telki municipal water system (Érd és Térsége water works)
- Herceghalom municipal water system (Érd és Térsége water works)
- Medgyesegyháza municipal water systeme
- Heim Pál Children's Clinic
- MOL Rt. Kardoskút
- MOL Rt. Nagykanizsa
- MOL Rt.Öttömös
- Novotel Hotel Szeged
- Panorama Hotel Siófok
- DRV Mohács,Pécs
- DRV RT. Tap Water services
- Pécs Water works
- Pécs Power plant
- Halas Távhő
- Nyírtávhő
Thermal water scale and iron deposit solving:
- Zalaegerszeg Aqua Thermal Spa Resort
- Mohács Swimming pools
- Kisteleki Geothermal system
- Geohód Geothermal system
- Kakasszéki Heart Sanitarium
- Zsórifürdő Thermal beach
- Tiszaújváros Thermal beach
- Szentesi Hőszolgáltató
- Makó Hospital
- Tisza Maros Agrár Rt.
- Mórahalom Erzsébet Thermal Spa resort
Water infusion, oil extractors, and soil reclamation well regeneration:
- MOL Oil extraction Kiskunhalas
- Mol Oil extraction Szank Főgyüjtő
- Mol Oil extraction Mezőhegyes
- Kistelek Infusion well (geothermal system)
- Hódmezővásárhely Infusion well (geothermal system)
- Zalaegerszeg Infusion well (geothermal system)
- Abony Műszertechnika reclamation system